Woman on Top with the Metropole
This has to be the best song he has yet to record. God I wish I was as confident as the woman he's singing about. Hell of a song.
Just finished the latest Richard Bach book, 'Hypnotizing Maria'. In the book, Bach discusses how we all hypnotize ourselves each and every day, by accepting a long series of suggestions about who we are and what are life is about. He postulates that we are constantly in the process of creating our own lives through a series of agreements. It is a simple little book, not more than 150 pages long. The story begins with a man volunteering to be a subject for an on-stage hypnotist, who successfully convinces the man that he is trapped behind a series of granite walls and cannot get out. Once the hypnotist snaps his fingers, the man realizes that he is on an empty stage and that the rocks and barriers were only in his mind. Bach says that all of us do this in order to create our existence. Through the course of the book, the man, a pilot - like all of Bach's protagonists - has a mystical encounter with a woman hitchhiker, who solidifies his theory. He has a series of epiphanies that take him further to his conclusion that we are all spirits, choosing to have a physical experience of life. Our lives are made up of the choices we make and the suggestions we accept and reject.
I have been trying to get off of this service forever. Steve even cancelled it. But, I received an email from a man and I sent a reply saying I was not interested. Apparently, this was enough to sign me up for the service again!! I can't afford it, I don't like it and I want it gone. I guess I should cancel my email account where the Match.com notices are sent. This is a giant pain. Yes, I want a man in my life. But no, I don't want to go through the computer selection process and deal with all of the fake scammers. Such a pain in the ass.
Am I my resume?