Wannabe War Zone
Helicopters fly overhead, every single day in this town. Sometimes 5 or 6 of them fly in formation above this house. I'm not talking tiny whirlybirds. I'm talkin' black or dark green military-issue LOUD helicopters. We even get the elongated twin propeller types, designed to hold an entire battalion. Those are incredibly noisy. I try not to be rattled by their pitch and decibel, but they raise my hackles, nonetheless.
We live less than 10 miles from a military base. This morning, I awoke to the soothing sounds of bombing, to the East. Low, rumbling explosions erupted every few minutes. Now and then, one was loud enough to rattle the windows. Perhaps it is no wonder I had anxiety issues for most of the day. Am I supposed to feel comforted, that our military is practicing preparedness? Perhaps I should feel grateful, that I don't reside in an area where our military is blasting at my friends and family with live ammunition?