Why Do I Even Bother?
I'm so mad and sick to death of the antiquated attitudes in this backwards town.
Last year, a new, hipper and edgier weekly newspaper came on the scene. It reminded me just the tiniest bit of Seattle's "The Stranger" weekly. It had an attitude and a liberal take on life. But recently, they started a new ad campaign that featured scantily clad women. I felt strongly that they were shooting themselves in the foot with this new direction and decided to send them a letter. I also commented about psycho columnist Ann Coulter's stance on Supreme Court Justice nominee Harriet Meiers. Coulter agrees that the woman is unqualified and doesn't think her sex should matter. Here's my letter:
Offended reader of the week...(their title)
Dear Editors,
As a recent graduate of UNCG’s women’s and gender studies program, I feel it is my duty to point out sexism (and sexual evolution) when it is encountered.
I’ll begin with One Step Forward. For the first time in my life, I agree with a column written by Ann Coulter! Her stance on Supreme Court Nominee Harriet Miers is a giant leap for feminism. When conservatives can judge a woman on her merit and not solely on her sex, then it appears women have rounded the corner to achieve full-fledged personhood, instead of just tokenism. All Americans, liberals and conservatives alike, want the best person for the job, not just the President’s friend with a vagina.
Unfortunately, in this same issue, YES! Weekly has taken 2 steps back. This retrograde movement involves the way you are currently trying to position yourselves in the Greensboro marketplace. When you came on the scene, I was thrilled! Finally, a weekly that addressed the local political and cultural scene with humor and intelligence. I have been a loyal reader ever since.
As you may have guessed, I am a female reader. I can’t help but wonder if YES! Weekly is trying to abandon its educated and female audience by using marketing tactics usually reserved for male-oriented ‘crotch-rock’ radio stations. By this, I mean your out-and-out sexist attempt to position yourself as having “cool and hot” readers with your “YES! girl” models. I have nothing against beautiful women. I consider myself among them. However, what I do resent is using women (and notice I don’t refer to grown women as “girls” — a direct attempt to make these young women powerless and childlike) as window-dressing to promote a product. Especially when that product is aimed at the intellect, instead of the libido. Your marketing staff is taking the cheap and easy way out. Come on! Use some creativity!
I applaud you for using both women and men of all ages as your “Local Talent” models. But I believe you must reconsider your positioning as Greensboro’s “best read” (whatever that means) weekly. If you alienate your female readers, you are only hurting yourselves. Who’d have thought Ann Coulter would be more progressive than YES! Weekly?
And, here's how they responded:
editor replies: We’ve never before heard of someone with a women’s studies degree being offended, but we must stand by our proclamations concerning the hotness (and coolness) of our readers. And we are assuming that you don’t like this week’s cover. Call it a hunch.
BASTARD MOTHERFUCKERS. They just don't get it. I wrote a well reasoned letter that included positives AND negatives. I complimented them in many ways. But NOOOO!!! These misogynist motherfuckers took the easy way out. I'm sure I'm not the only woman offended by their sexist tone. I hope they show up in bankruptcy court soon.
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