Friday, September 30, 2005

What I Really Miss...

My family and friends are a little confused about my last post.

What I really miss about being a traffic reporter is the research and my analytical expertise. I knew my job inside and out and also knew who to contact to affirm my traffic theories. I don't miss the environment, the uncertainty, the egos, lying and game-playing of the radio industry. Every now and then I felt exhilarated while doing the actual broadcasting. When the chemistry was right between the DJ and myself being on the air was fun. But, I never felt like a "star" and I was always uncomfortable in that role.

My life right now doesn't have the dramatic highs and lows that occurred on a daily basis when I was on the radio. I don't beat myself up for saying the wrong word or sounding too boring. I can just be who I am. If I feel depressed one day, I can just be depressed. If I have trouble getting the right word out of my mouth, so what? I value and much prefer authenticity.

However, I do have an incredible uncertainty about my future. I am trying out different career ideas as I go on job interviews at my school. (I just had an interview to be a departmental secretary today. Don't think I'd like that job). Working in a university means I am never the "expert". Even though I've just completed my Bachelor's degree, I am still on the bottom rung of the ladder in this environment. What I'm wondering now is how far I want to climb?


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