Monday, September 26, 2005

Emotional Blog

What a crappy weekend.

Well, maybe it would be the ideal weekend for a stressed-out working single mother but not for me. I was alone all weekend and was a total slug. I stayed in my PJs all day Saturday.I slept and slept and slept. Probably slept 16 hours on Saturday alone! I tried to be more active on Sunday but then just gave in to the lethargy. I only left my apartment to get some groceries. Then I went back to sleep. I was in bed for the night at 8pm and got up at 4am this morning, catching another nap between 5 and 6:30 before getting ready for work.

Part of my malaise is because I don't know what to do in this town. I don't know where to go and I feel like such a freak amongst the locals. I don't want to fit in with their provincial god-fearing world. I don't have the raw materials (ie: a family and a belief-system that incorporates a patriarchial supreme being ruling over all).

Then, when I got to work nobody said good morning to me. I always have to say "good morning" first. I decided to just let it slide and see if anybody took up the reigns. Nope, they all just sat in their miserable little desks in this miserable little office and ignored everybody else.

I think I hate my job, my city and my life today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

refer to the previous blog (panda-cam)to find your solace. All is well. It's just the weather.

9/26/2005 2:54 PM  

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