Hello! I am Sock Buddy! I can make cupcakes!!
That is the line halfway through the children's book "Sock Monkey Boogie Woogie - A Friend is Made" that made me shell out $5 and become a believer in all things Sock Monkey.
Adorably drawn by CeCe Bell, the main character, Sock Monkey, described as "A Famous TV star" has been invited to the "Big Celebrity Dance". However, all of his housemates and good friends, Blue Pig, Froggie and Miss Bunn have made other plans and must be out of town. Sock Monkey, in a desperate search for a dance partner, posts signs and auditions all kinds of toys for the job. Alas, no one meets his expectations. So, he winds up creating a new friend for the dance. This is when Sock Buddy emerges with his immortal line "Hello! I am Sock Buddy! I can make cupcakes!" I don't believe anybody had asked him if he knew how to bake.
However, Sock Monkey, must get his new friend back on task. He immediately asks him the practical question "But can you dance?" To which Sock Buddy replies "I can try".
Bell fills the next few pages with images of the two friends as they hula, break-dance, tap dance and perform Russian dances, (all in the proper costumes, of course). Luckily, Sock Buddy proves to be a natural and says to Sock Monkey, "Let's Boogie".
Wearing their Travolta-esque white suits and singing "Yes, we have no bananas" the two travel to the Big Celebrity Dance and take to the floor. The triumphant evening ends with a conga line of Sock Monkey, Sock Buddy, A helicopter, crayon, bear, elephant, space alien and wind-up mouse boogieing to the tune "Hot Hot Hot".
The next day Sock Buddy fears he will be left out in the cold when Sock Monkey's friends (Blue Pig, Froggy and Miss Bunn)return. He greets them with the line "Hello, I am Sock Buddy! Do you like cupcakes?" to which the friends readily agree and eat the baked goods. They decide they like Sock Buddy and keep him as their friend in their house.
And they all lived happily ever after.
ansapo shared this book with me - I laughed and laughed. Sock-humans share 98% of their DNA with sock-monkeys. But, Intelligent Knitting proponents seem to ignore this fact.
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