A Final Plea
Well, my dear friends, looks like my body is starting to shut down. My new acupuncturist was holding back tears and kept saying “I’m so sorry” as she pulled out the needles, following my treatment, yesterday.
Just keep me out of pain. While relaxing during the treatment, I received a message that my transition to the next world will be easy, if I just “step to the side and in to the light”, for ascension. Why do we, as a society, drag out death? Don’t you dare keep me alive by science.
HOWEVER, I have some debts that need to be paid. Credit card had to be used during my upheaval from New Mexico and then Baxter’s illness, once we got to Pennsylvania. I owe nearly $9,000. Then, there is the ridiculous student loan burden, which I was able to make payments on until my life was upended in 2010. I am unable to dissolve the now $52,000 in debt (originally about $40,000 but interest adds up) because the government classified my disability as ‘temporary’ instead of permanent. SO, I can’t leave my friend my truck (which she desperately needs) and my sisters can’t have a couple pieces of my jewelry, when I die. Everything will be sold off to pay off stupid creditors.
Could you please throw a few dollars in to my Go Fund Me account? It is linked to my bank account or give a gift via Venmo or PayPal. I am listed as Anne.silberman@gmail.com. They don’t take fees for gifts. It would mean so much to me for my few heirs to receive what they are owed.
There is no death with dignity when you are broke.
Thank you all for following my life over the past 15 or so years.
Remember, you are connected to ‘Source’ or ‘God’ and you never need to look outside of yourself to find the TRUTH. No one can find YOUR GOD but YOU. FOLLOWING A GURU OR PRIEST ONLY GIVES THEM POWER OVER YOU. YOU ARE IN CHARGE AND NOBODY ELSE.
Peace out and much love, your pal, Ansapo , aka Anne Silberman
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