Friday, March 12, 2021

Time's Up, I Guess.

 My body does not want me to live. Or somebody else wants me dead. 

I had to go to the emergency room last night, due to excruciating pain coming from my right shoulder. Beause of my Dacron aorta and pig aortic valve, I had to have a CT scan to see if my heart was OK. (shoulder pain could be the sign of a heart issue). Well, the heart is just fine.

But they found 2 lesions (tumors) on my LIVER. This could be from the endometrial cancer or it could be an over reaction to the horrible bovine toxin I was injected with 3 weeks ago. Either way, you mess with the liver and you are done.

I'm getting ready for my death. Who will deal with Purrcival, my sweet kitty? He is a WONDERFUL cat. The best kitty I've ever had. He even tops Saturn, because he is cuddly and lets me hold him. Here he is in his 7th grade class photo.

I refuse any and all chemotherapy. Every single person I've ever spoken to says that "It was so much worse than you can imagine, and given the choice, I would never go through it again". 

I have a couple of follow-up appointments at the cancer center next week and I will still see the acupuncturist and pursue Eastern medicine. 

I'm not afraid to die. I believe in reincarnation.


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