Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Real or Imagined

This morning I awoke with a sense of impending doom about my job. Existing on the edge financially, like I do, I tend to worry a lot. The worrying is interspersed with moments of frivolity and happiness but it is always there, like a sinister shiver, waiting to overtake me at any time.

Perhaps I've reached the age where I want to be able to do something well and do it for a long time. Is that called settling down? I'm still learning this new producer job. I am horribly unsure of myself and have been hesitant in conversations with my boss and with the host of the show. I am doing my absolute best - so far and so far I feel under equipped.

I keep thinking that they wished they'd hired someone else. My friend says they won't get rid of me because I'm working for very little money. Except for the pizza job, though, I have always felt insecure in my places of employment. Perhaps it started with radio - watching so many colleagues fired - just for working at a radio station whose music was no longer in fashion. I was sure the ax would all on me at any moment. I hated that feeling and I think I carried it with me wherever I went, after that.

So, I don't know if my current job malaise is real or imagined. Logic tells me it is imagined. But it feels so real.


Blogger Linda S. Silberman said...

And from where we come from, it is a learned behavior to expect the worst and believe that we are worthless. I know it. The hakomi therapy works on these emotions that take us hostage, as you I have been....and will probably be again. My wish for you today is that you stop being overly critical and over-thinking the money thing and simply live. Keep moving forward. That's all we can do.
I love you,

8/07/2008 10:52 AM  
Blogger D M Smith said...

"Have faith and faith shall be given to you." Or the more secular version:
"Believe in whatever you do. Doubt is a waste of energy."

As a corollary, I also like "A fool with a plan can always beat a genius with no plan."

6/02/2009 1:51 AM  

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