Thursday, February 14, 2008

Joining the Zipper Club

Ah well.

As it turns out, I am not going to have the "minimally invasive" heart surgery. I don't qualify and my lack of insurance doesn't make the necessary pre-surgery tests practical.

So, they will be slicing me down my sternum, inserting a crank-device rib-splitter and ripping open my chest cavity. This has always terrified me. Just the thought. I know I'll be asleep but still. I don't think anything scares me more than this procedure.

I'm trying to get used to the idea, by being as graphic as possible. It still fills me with the willies. They say it is very common. They crank open chests every day and thousands, if not millions of people have had it done. God. When will Star Trek surgery become a reality? Just wave a little wand over me and heal me.

So, now I see the surgeon again at the end of the month, when he will decide if I am well enough to be cut open. Then the date of the procedure will be shortly after that. They say I won't be able to return to work for at least a month. I've already missed nearly a month because I can't talk due to a crappy cold.

Wish I had sick leave and health insurance. Again, I love America.


Blogger Linda S. Silberman said...

Well, at least you know and can prepare. Love you...L>

2/16/2008 4:15 AM  

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