Saturday, October 06, 2007

Pizza Zen Master

Pizza Zen Master has worked at the pizza place for over 5 years. Pizza Zen Master eats at least 2 meals a day there, five days a week. He is NOT SICK of pizza yet! Pizza Zen Master is a smart guy. Really, really brilliant. He writes essays about the state of the government and the world and posts them on his website and on places like Craig's List. In his spare time he enjoys role-playing games and pretends to be a pirate. Seriously. There are places in this world today where you can go off for a weekend and pretend to be a pirate.

Pizza Zen Master has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. His hair is long and stringy and he has a very scruffy beard. Pizza Zen Master looks like either Charles Manson or Jesus Christ, depending on which way the light hits him. Some days I am afraid of him and some days I am fascinated by him. He rides the bus to work and reads books on the Knights Templar. Pizza Zen Master is not ashamed to admit he is basically a lazy person and would rather eat pizza every night than cook for himself. Pizza Zen Master has girlfriends who work at the pizza place.

I wonder, how do guys like Pizza Zen Master end up? Will he be another sad, homeless person in a few years due to his lack of obvious ambition? Or, will he continue for many years, happy in his existence, because he has figured out a fundamental truth to life that the rest of us can't fathom?


Blogger Linda S. Silberman said...

beautifully put ansapo. God Bless Pizza Zen Master...where ever you are.

10/21/2007 12:29 PM  

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