Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I'm IN!

I can't believe it. Sure, I still can't find a job but maybe this is the reason why:


Here I am, mid-40's, wasn't able to go to college when I was younger and so I finally went back 5 years ago and just completed my bachelor's degree. Now, I'm going on to get my Master's! I never, NEVER thought this option was available to somebody like me, from my dysfunctional, impoverished family background! Shows how much I know. And, if all goes well I just might continue on for my PhD? What the heck??

Then maybe I'll become a college professor? I think I'd enjoy it and be really good at it.




Blogger Titus said...

Congratulations from Greensboro! I remember talking to you during some walks to work about your interests in the ethnomusicology field, so I'm excited for you.

In semi-related news, I was wondering if you'd ever heard of Pandora? If you have not, please check it out! If you have and if you've already created some radio stations, I would love to add them to my blog. Please send one to me (lower left-hand corner; the "Share" button), my contact info is my Blogger profile.

Take care!


3/23/2006 6:27 AM  

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