Saturday, September 04, 2010

Gino Vanelli, Evil Eye

I feel like I've been courting the Evil Eye lately. I totally screwed up my unemployment by being in the desert, trying to save my own life. I made the horrible mistake of telling the unemployment people that I was sick - which lead them to send out a bunch of paperwork to an address I no longer have. The mail was forwarded to my sister but I didn't get it until it was too late.

I have to fix this. I have only a dollar to my name - in my wallet. My bank account is overdrawn. I feel like a total fuck-up. My mother didn't help things when she screamed at me yesterday - she was going to send me a few dollars to help out but when I sneezed into the phone she went ballistic and I hung up on her. Typical for her - she's accused me of deliberately doing awful things my entire life.

Go away, Evil Eye!!!!!


Blogger Lisa said...

Remember these things are only connected if you want them to be. I got the same response from Emplyment Security and told myself immediately "It's not's the game I have to play right now". I can show you my letters. I've saved all of them.

9/06/2010 3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moose knuckles

9/18/2010 5:16 PM  
Blogger Anne S. said...

"Anonymous"....NONA! LOL!!!

9/20/2010 1:02 PM  

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